Wide range of application

Innovative design for HF100 multi-gas incubator

- Stainless steel chamber with easy-to-clean coved corners reduces contamination-prone surface
- The turbulence-free chamber ventilation improves CO2, O2, humidity and temperature uniformity
- Innovative design of water reservoir replacing water tray, allows rapid revovery of opimal humidity
Temperature control

- Direct heating enables rapid temperature recovery while air jacket provides isolation against ambient temperature fluctuations
- PT1000 temperature sensor ensures stable temperature control with little gradient and prompt temperature recovery without overheat
- Three temperature control settings (main heater, outer door and overheat protection)minimize condensation and yield precise temperature uniformity.
Precise CO2 control and immediate recovery

- Drift free IR CO2 sensor responds extremely fast to gas concentration changes
- Auto-zero runs automatically to recover the indicator to 'zero' every 24 hours
- HEPA filter of CO2 inlet port can remove impurities and contaminants with efficiency 99.998% @0.2um
- Standard CO2 cylinder auto changer alerts users and ensures continuous CO2 supply
O2 control
- Maintenance-free zirconuim oxide sensor - long life, good linearity and high precision
- Oxide sensor is calibrated automatically (auto-cal) and stays in the incubator during the 90℃ decontamination routine
- Well designed O2/N2 inlet module improves humidity stability in chamber
Constant humidity
- Larger water surface area provide by water reservoir with inclined and rounded corners
- A new water level alarm(audible and visible) alerts users when the water reservoir needs to be refilled
- Standard humidity sensor ensures a constant high level of humidity to prevent cultures from drying out
User friendly interface

- Microprocessor with soft-touch control panel for optimum operation
- Large-size TFT-LCD display for temperature, CO2, O2 concentration and RH
- Comprehensive visual and audio alarms for all parameters
- Diagnostic interface provide comprehensive solutions to frequently encountered problems
- RS232 port standard for communication and external instrument logging
Contamination prevention

- 90℃ disinfection routine decontaminates the entire interior of the chamber while causes less damage to electronic components
- In independent tests, a routine disinfection circle is proven to completely eliminate a variety of contaminants including mycoplasma
- A completely smooth inner casing with rounded corner reduces the possibility of hidden contamination
- Easy-removable, replaceable shelves make chamber cleaning a rapid and efficient process