



  • 力康生物医疗科技控股有限公司
  • 地  址:中国上海市青浦工业园区崧泽大道6788号
  • 邮  编:201706
  • 电  话:021-62728646
  • 传  真:021-62728538
  • E-mail:shanghai@healforce.com
Toplite-P Series
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l  The adoption of blue theca plating technology enables the Toplite-P surgical light to create a light source that is close to natural light source.

l  It offers a backup bulb system to ensure continuous operation in case of bulb failure.

l  Shapes of domes are smooth and streamlined, which are easy to clean and meet the requirement of laminar flow purification in operating rooms.

l  Domes with diameters of 70cm and 60cm are optional for choice.

l  The surgical light uses explosion proof and rippled PC plastic dome cover.

l  Single, dual and triple domes are available to be equipped in one ceiling mount lamp.

l  Our surgical light is economically priced while not compromising on performance.


Heal Force operating light systems provide superior performance to satisfy the ever-growing user needs in diverse surgical fields, including general surgery, micro surgery, E.N.T., OB/GYN, orthopedic and cosmetic surgery.

力康生物医疗科技控股有限公司,力新仪器(上海)有限公司版权所有 Copyright © 2019.
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