



  • 力康生物医疗科技控股有限公司
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l  Tomographic images in DICOM and captured with CT/C-arm/MRI/fMRI all are applicable in Excelim-04 surgical navigation system.

l  Advanced optical tracking system tracks real-time 3D position and orientation of active or passive markers attached to surgical tools, to deliver exceptional accuracy (spatial resolution 1.0mm) and reliability.

l  3D modeling and simulation method of anatomical structures in material (like skin, skull, brain tissue or target lesion) can be easily self-defined for surgical convenience.

l  With navigation probe and advanced optical measurement technology integrated, surgeon can easily quantify the size and position of lesions,  then design surgical approach the scientific way.

l  The system provides operators four navigation modes for all-round monitoring of navigation process.

l  The intelligent software will help calibrate and compensate for unexpected anatomical-structure change and brain shift induced by removal of intracranial lesion area.

l  Excelim-04 navigation system can be operated with surgeon mouse or touchmonitor mounted on the mobile cart or ceiling-suspension arm.

l  The system automatically save all patient image data and registration information, so as to let surgeon quickly load and continue surgical navigation against unexpected cut-off of electricity supply.



Excelim-04 optical surgical navigation system can be used for all neurological and ENT surgeries, especially in deep-seated intracranial lesions, intracranial lesions of small volume, intracranial lesions of unclear invasive edge and minimally invasive surgeries. 

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